
Course on "Fast Robots", offered Spring 2022 in the ECE dept at Cornell University

This project is maintained by CEI-lab

Cornell University: ECE 4960/5960

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Pandemic precautions

Note that the course instructors will update the class regarding expectations as needed, given the shifting public safety environment.

First two weeks of the semester

As per university policy the first two weeks of the semester will be online. You will receive information on Canvas regarding Zoom lectures and how to pick up your lab kit. The first day of in-person classes (and labs) will be February 7th.

If you are joining from another time zone during these two weeks (or the rest of the semester), please reach out to your teaching team ASAP so that we can make accomodations.

Lab policy

At all times, students must abide by the university public health requirements for students found here. Expectations as of today include:

Additionally we will limit lab occupancy to 18 students/TAs at a time, and provide ample supplies of hand sanitizer and sterilizing spray for surfaces. If you do not feel safe working in the lab, please reach out to your teaching team. Almost all of every lab assignment can be completed from your home room if you prefer.

Class policy

Lectures will take place in PH203 and be broadcast over Zoom. Unless agreed upon otherwise with the instructors, all students are expected to attend lectures live. To accommodate symptomatic or quaranteening students, lectures will also be recorded and posted on Canvas.

As mentioned above, the following health guidelines also apply for lectures, as of today.

Please reach out to the teaching team ASAP. The pandemic is rapidly evolving and we will do our best to accommodate whatever situations arise.