Grading of Labs
ECE 3400, Fall 2017
The labs are scored by the TA’s Friday on the week after the labs are done. Up to 15 points are given for good solutions, 5 points for clear and comprehensive documentation.
Delayed solutions will receive 0 score, without exception.
In lab 1, the first 15 points are scored by:
- 2 points: Blinking an internal LED
- 2 points: Blinking an external LED
- 2 points: Reading the value of a potentiometer via the serial port
- 2 points: Map the value of the potentiometer to the LED
- 2 points: Map the value of the potentiometer to the servo
- 2 points: Assemble your robot
- 3 points: Driving your robot autonomously
In lab 2, the first 15 points are scored by:
- 2 points: Correct FFT analysis
- 2 points: Working amplifier circuit
- 3 points: Distinguish a 660Hz tone (from tones at 585Hz and 735Hz)
- 2 points: Working IR sensor circuit
- 3 points: Detect a treasure blinking at 7kHz
- 3 points: Nicely merged code
In lab 3, the first 15 points are scored by:
- 1 point: Reading external inputs from Arduino to FPGA
- 1 point: Correctly updating a 4-bit array dependent on the inputs
- 1 point: Drawing one box on the screen
- 1 point: Description of how the DAC on the provided VGA connectors works and how the resistor values were chosen.
- 4 points: Mapping external inputs to four different outputs on the screen
- 1 point: Connecting the FPGA output to the speaker
- 2 points: Outputting a square wave to the speaker
- 4 points: Outputting a tune of at least three different frequencies to the speaker via an 8-bit DAC
In lab 4, the first 15 points are scored by:
- 2 points: Sending information wirelessly between Arduino’s
- 2 points: Sending the entire maze wirelessly
- 3 points: Updating the maze array, dependent only on the updated robot information
- 1 point: Displaying a full 4-by-5 grid array on the screen
- 3 points: Communicating maze information from the Arduino to the FPGA
- 2 points: Display the robot location on the screen
- 2 points: Distinguish what sites have been visited and which haven’t on the screen