
ECE 3400 Intelligent Physical Systems course web page and assignments

This project is maintained by CEI-lab

ECE3400 Fall 2017

Lab 2: Analog Circuitry and FFTs


In this lab, you will add sensors to your robot, and make analog circuits and a digital filter to interface with the Arduino. One is a microphone circuit that will detect a 660Hz whistle blow signifying the beginning of your maze mapping. The other will capture inputs from an IR sensor to detect an IR treasure blinking at 7kHz.

Pre-lab Assignment

Before you start your lab, you should have familiarized yourself with the analog-to-digital converter on the ATmega328 (Arduino microcontroller).

You should also have looked over the Open Music Labs Arduino FFT library documentation. If you are unfamiliar with Fourier Transforms and Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs), be sure to check out online resources or textbooks to review the concepts. Your website will be expected to have a sufficient explanation of the basic FFT algorithm.

Look over the Open Music Labs Arduino FFT library example sketches. You’ll see that they use the internal microcontroller’s Analog-Digital Converter (ADC) as fast as it can convert. Look this up online and see how fast it goes, and then compare that to the Arduino’s analogRead function. Is it necessary to use the ADC directly, or is analogRead fast enough? This will depend on your application (reading 660Hz sine wave, or ~10kHz treasure). What might be some concerns of using either method? What’s the normal range of a human voice? Are the harmonics of human speech an issue? What is the frequency of the fluorescent lights in the room? Can they interfere with your IR sensor?

For testing in the lab, it’s a good idea to install an App on your phone that will generate the 660 Hz tone. There are many free Apps for this like Tone Generator for example.

You should also design some simple analog amplifying and filtering circuits so you can add them as necessary once you’re in lab checking out the amplitude of your analog signals. You will especially need an amplifier on your treasure detection circuit to reliably detect the correct frequency of the treasure. What are some good cutoff frequencies to use in your design? How big of a gain and DC offset is appropriate? (Remember that the Arduino inputs must be between 0 and 5V.)

As always it is a good idea to check Team Alpha’s website to see an example of a solution. But please strive to do better than we did!


Throughout this lab and ALL labs, remember to document your progress on your website. Add anything that you think might be useful to the next person doing the lab. This may include helpful notes, code, schematics, diagrams, photos, videos, and documentation of results and challenges of this lab. You will be graded on the thoroughness and readability of these websites.

Be sure to note on the website what work is carried out by whom. And remember that, if at all possible, you are expected to form different sub teams in every lab.


Split into two teams.

The acoustic team will need the following materials:

The optical team will need the following materials:

Download the Open Music Labs FFT library

Acoustic Team: Assemble your microphone circuit

The basic circuit for your electret microphone is as follows. It is suggested that you use a 1 µF capacitor and a ~3 kΩ resistor:

Image from Wikipedia

Optical Team: Assemble your IR circuit

Objective: Be able to detect a 7kHz IR beacon with an Arduino using the FFT library.



Wrap-Up and Clean-Up

Keep your Arduino Unos and Parallax servos in the box dedicated for your team. All other components can be placed back into their appropriate bins. Clean up your station thoroughly before you leave!

You should document this lab thoroughly on the website, feel free to add ideas/comments this lab inspires regarding your future robot; the TA’s will check the website by the end of the following week. Remember to have a TA note your attendance before heading out.

Use GitHub on the computer to upload and save your code, be sure to add appropriate commit messages. The lab computers will NOT keep any data locally (i.e., on them). Once you log off, the data will eventually be lost (typically overnight). Save your data on a flash drive or other means before you leave the lab.