
ECE 3400 Intelligent Physical Systems course web page and assignments

This project is maintained by CEI-lab

ECE3400 Fall 2017

How to make a webpage from Github!

By Kirstin Petersen, August 10th, 2017

Starting a Github account

Your team and all the members must create a GitHub account and make a basic website. We will use GitHub to share and save code (source control), and to manage the website. At the end of this class, these repositories will be cloned to the class Github account so don’t upload any information you don’t want to share. You will be required to share all code and design files at the end of the class, however.

To create a GitHub account go to and request a private account via the educational discount (

Making your website

You can find helpful information here, but the basic steps are to:

Making webpages from github


Your website is public and represents your technical writing skills. It can be a useful resource to share with potential employers! Remember to proof read your websites before submission deadlines and check for things like:

Like most lab reports, your webpages for the labs and milestones should have a basic structure. Including an introduction, a list of materials used, implementation/procedure, and a conclusion is a good idea :)

Also, include the subteams you worked in at the top.

If you are borrowing pictures, code, or other resources from datasheets or the web, please please please include references.

Your lab reports should have a good balance of text, images, animations or video demonstrations, and schematics. For schematics, you can use a variety of resources such as LTspice, Digikey’s SchemeIt, Fritzing, or any other software.

If the lab report requires oscilloscope readings, there is software installed on the lab computers that you can use to get screengrabs. You can also insert a flash drive and save the image directly onto that. These methods are much nicer than taking a picture of the screen :P


When you start making your website, PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD HIGH QUALITY IMAGES. Also, please do not upload a bunch of images that you will not use. A high resolution is rarely necessary and tends to make the website very slow to load. A photo of 600 pixels width, for instance, will serve fine for a large image.


The easiest way to embed a video on your webpage is to upload it to youtube. It is a good idea to make it unlisted, so that it doesn’t appear on your playlist. Then simply link to the video using standard markdown commands.