Grading of Milestones
ECE 3400, Fall 2018
Milestone 1 will be graded as follows:
- 2 points: A robot that successfully follows a line.
- 3 points: A robot that successfully traverses a grid in a figure eight.
- Up to 5 points will be given for implementation (related to the robustness of the solution and the speed of the robot)
Milestone 2 will be graded as follows:
- 3 points: Robot that successfully circles an arbitrary set of walls (e.g. through right hand wall following)
- 3 points: Robot that successfully avoids other robots (at least 1ft distance)
- 4 points: For a demonstration of a robot that does line tracking, and avoids robots, and walls (altogether).
(It would be helpful to ‘show’ what the robot is thinking, e.g. by adding visual LEDs that indicate when walls/robots have been detected)
Milestone 3 will be graded as follows:
- 8 points: Robot capable of maze exploration using DFS, BFS, Dijkstra, or A* (show that your robot can do different maze configurations, we expect at least one of them to be a minimum size of 4x5)
- 2 points: ..if the robot is also able to update the GUI
Milestone 4 will be graded as follows:
- 1 points: Robot which can detect when there are/are not treasures
- 4 points: Robot which can successfully distinguish between red and blue treasures
- 5 points: Robot which can successfully distinguish a square, triangle, and diamond shape