
ECE 3400 Intelligent Physical Systems course web page and assignments

This project is maintained by CEI-lab

ECE 3400 Intelligent Physical Systems

Cornell University, Fall 2017

Welcome to ECE 3400; a class where students learn to tie the fundamental principles of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) across virtual and physical boundaries to create autonomous robots able to perceive, reason about, and act upon their environment. Specifically, in teams of 5-6, students will design and fabricate a robot able to navigate and map out a maze with treasures in the shortest possible time.

ECE3400 Overview

Here is a video of the 2015 competition.

Instead of traditional hand-ins, we leverage peer-to-peer mentoring where students, under guidance, upload their progress and ideas to create a sustainable and continuously evolving database for future students to rely on.

Schedule and Hand-Outs

Please be aware that the following schedule is tentative and may change throughout the semester.

Week Topic Week Topic
1 Intro, Arduino 9 Prototyping EE, LAB 4
2 IPS fundamentals, team work/time management, Website, LAB 1 10 Algorithms
3 Sensors and filters 11 Algorithms, Milestone 3
4 Embedded control, LAB 2 12 Evaluating and debugging IPS
5 Actuators and control, Milestone 1 13 Power and alternative IPS
6 FPGA, VGA, Milestone 2 14 Discussion of websites Milestone 4
7 Prototyping ME, LAB 3 15 IPS Ethics, Career Center talk
8 Wireless communication 16 Final Competition

See detailed schedule and deadlines here